Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Peace Corps Application Timeline-Nov 2007

November 27, 2007
The transmission in my car blew up (only 1800.00 to repair-yuck-esp. since I’m selling it right before I leave). Because I’ve been busy with that headache, I didn’t get to the post office to mail my Medical Kit to Peace Corps Washington office until today. I sent everything (including the reimbursement forms) in the postage paid 1st Class envelope. However, I did decide to pay an extra 2.50 for a required signature on delivery--certified mail. I didn’t pay the extra 2.75 for a receipt, because you can check the tracking # online for free!! I’m guessing the Washington office will receive the packet on 11/30/07 (I live in Kentucky), so I’ll check the tracking # online that day to make sure.

November 21, 2007

I had an appointment with my Gynecologist today, and got all the required forms completed. I had to pay an 11.00 co-pay for this visit. The Gynecologist cleared me for Peace Corps service with no restrictions. I stopped by the surgeon’s office and all the forms had been completed....finally! The surgeon cleared me for Peace Corps service with no restrictions. I also stopped by my family doctor’s office, and all forms were completed, and all the lab work had arrived. My family doctor cleared me for Peace Corps service with no restrictions.

November 20, 2007

I had the follow-up visit with the Optometrist for my contact fitting today. I still have to go back and order two pairs of glasses, but this information is not required on the Optometrist forms, so I can do this at any point before I leave for service. I had to pay $57.00 for 6 months worth of contacts. I have to get more contacts before I leave, and also pay for the two pair of glasses, that my insurance will not cover.

November 16, 2007

Follow up appointment with my family doctor, to check my TB skin test. My doctor still didn’t have the paper work filled out, and the labs where not in. No cost for this visit. I also stopped by the surgeon’s office and the forms where still not completed.

November 14, 2007

This was my Doctor’s appointment day…I figured I would try to get as much of the poking, prodding, and needle sticking done all on one day. I accomplished this goal…except for the girly doctor. My 1st appointment of the day was with my Dentist. All went well; no need for any follow-ups for dental procedures! I also got all my dental forms filled out, and all required x-rays. This appointment was completely covered with my dental insurance. My next appointment was with my Optometrist. I had an eye exam for glasses and contacts. I had to schedule a follow-up appointment for the contact fitting. All needed paperwork was filled out. I had to pay 35.00 for this exam; my eye insurance paid the rest. My last appointment was with my family doctor. I had my physical, blood work, immunizations, etc. My doctor told me she had never done such a thorough physical before. She said it would take her a few days to complete the paperwork, since it was so lengthy. I told her that was fine, I could pick it all up next week, since it would take a few days for the labs to come back anyway. I had to pay an 11.00 co-pay for this visit. I’m sure I’ll get a bill in the mail…I don’t think my insurance will cover all the shots & blood work. My last stop for the day was to a surgeon that took out my gallbladder a few years ago. The Peace Corps had sent me a form, requesting further information in regards to the surgery. However, the surgeon’s office assistant told me it would take a few days for them to fill the form out!

November 13, 2007
I received the Medical Screening Kit today.

November 7, 2007

I received an email from Peace Corps indicating my application status had been updated…it now shows when they mailed my Medical Kit.

November 6, 2007

The Peace Corps Washington Office, mailed my Medical Screening Kit today.

November 3, 2007

I received an email from PC indicating my online application status had been updated…it now shows I’ve been nominated and legally cleared.

November 2, 2007
I received a phone call from Ken today, that stated he received the notarized letter I mailed to him. During the phone call, Ken nominated me for Peace Corps Service!! As long as I pass the medical portion, I’ll be going to Africa sometime in September of 2008 as a Youth Development worker. WOW….that’s almost a year from now. Well, at least that will give me time to get everything done before I leave. I called my family and friends to let them know the good news. Everyone is very excited.